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Collaborative arts in health project between students in year two on the creative and therapeutic arts degree course, Cardiff vale and health charity, hearth gallery at Llandow hospital, staff and patients on ward east 18 mental health ward at Llandow, Age Cymru, Gwanwyn festival and celebrating age.


Students met online with ward east 18 to talk about beliefs and themes on the ward and then students created Artwork of a digital postcard sharing through media and PowerPoint in response to themes that were brought up by the patients and staff on the ward east 18. Some of the themes were: hopeful, recovery, positive, meaningful.


The patients then were given the opportunity to make artworks in response to this as mail art. Some participants made paintings and visual imagery and used clay and the materials were funded by age cymru.


A series of artworks were exchanged between students and patients before a final artwork was created by the students to then be displayed in the hearth gallery and then to be exhibited on an online live exhibition. Students then had the opportunity to donate their work to the hospital or to sell their artwork.


My response was to make a series of clay postcards of a place of positivity to the patients and inspired by their artworks on the ward. I then created with other students a leaflet and instruction sheet of how to make your own clay postcard so the patients could have an opportunity to create their very own.

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